The hike up was gorgeous, with lots of waterfalls, dense forests, and glimpses of the towering mountains hidden in clouds. When we got up to Gimmelwald we were surprised by an adorable inn with a beer garden where we relaxed with some well-earned beers and took in the view. The "town" was made up of a handful of small homes, a hostel, and the inn, which had an "honesty shop" attached to it. It was filled with candy bars, ice cream, trinkets and post cards, all with recommended prices with the expectation that you would put the money in a box with a note. Right when we were finishing up it started to pour, so we ran like crazy back back down the mountain, soaked to the brim but grinning like crazy from an amazing afternoon in the mountains.
We also made a little video from the hike. We haven't quite figured out how to work the gopro, but enjoy!
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