After a crazy few months of traveling (Switzerland in August, then the Bay Area, Greece and Italy in September) October was a month of recharging, readjusting and relaxing. It was so nice to be able to have no responsibilities and nothing to do for a bit. The weather was slightly odd - lots of overcast days with warmish, muggy weather, but when the sun peaked out it Delft turned into a magical, colorful fall landscape. I spent many afternoons riding through the park just north of the city center to enjoy the bright yellow & red leaves.
Some highlights from October included:
- Jack bartending at a campus bar, meeting new friends and throwing an impromptu party
- Exploring the Waterloopin flea market in Amsterdam, which was basically a million little garage sales in one place. You have to find the gems by digging deep but it's so worth it when you do!

-A private tour of Graffiti, New York meets the Dam, at the Amsterdam Museum, followed by a yummy dinner with new friends and connecting with some Stemple family who were in town.

- Impromptu day trip to Haarlem spent riding to the beach and spending the day on the coast

- Bike rides through the park

- Exploring Den Haag for the first time for a live music bar hoping evening

- Lazy afternoons reading in our cozy apartment

- Deciding to buy a guitar and teach myself how to play

- Wandering around Delft on a beautiful fall day creating this "day in delft" video
- Watching the rugby semi-finals with friends followed by "family dinners"

- Going to the Tallest Man on Earth Concert in Utrecht
- Bike riding with friends to the trappist brewery of La Trappe for a beer tour
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